GreenDrain Case
DGI Huset Herning – hotel, fitness- and swim center
DGI Huset Herning is a multifunctional and multicultural facility offering many different activities within swimming, wellness, and fitness. DGI Huset furthermore offers conference rooms, a party venue, and a restaurant, combined with a modern, spacious hotel in the heart of Central Jutland. Hotel DGI Huset with its 152 hotel rooms is the largest hotel in Herning and the surrounding areas.
DGI Huset Herning is located close to MCH, the largest exhibition center in the Nordic countries, and the highly attended arena Jyske Bank Boxen. This results in a relatively high passage of hotel guests, especially around important sporting events, international concerts, and a high number of yearly exhibitions. The many visitors put high demand on functionality, maintenance, and cleanliness for the hotel.
To accede to these high demands, ensure customer satisfaction, and avoid exceeded cleaning costs, DGI Huset chose to install GREEN DRAIN in all 152 hotel rooms as well as in their swim center in 2017.
Increased cleaning efficiency
Reduced man-hours and thus wages
100% maintenance-free

“…Performs far better than we ever dreamt of.”
“2½ years ago we installed GREEN DRAIN in our hotel rooms and in our swim center, which has generated man-hour savings in the daily cleaning routines. Previously we had to make sure that dirt wasn’t blocking the trap seal, that the trap hadn’t evaporated or wasn’t emptied by vacuum in the pipe system.
In the last 2½ years, we haven’t even touched GREEN DRAIN, which performs far better than we ever dreamt of. Now we don’t get unnecessary visits from guests in the reception regarding complaints about problems that GREEN DRAIN now prevents.”
Michael Lysgaard, Technical Manager
– DGI Huset Herning
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+45 5353 9595