GreenDrain Case
Sanitary Installation Company Netherlands
Hoogendoorn BV is a company involved in many different steps from planning, design, and installation within areas of water supply, drainage, fire protection, legionella prevention and sanitary. Meeting different and new tasks from project to project.
”Great satisfaction”
“Prevents penetration of insects”
“Green Drain is the perfect solution”

Sanitary Installation Company Netherlands
” We have already installed the Green Drain with many of our customers. The use of Green Drain is of great satisfaction. Not only in floor drains but also in the air ventilation systems. Green Drain is the perfect solution to prevent penetration of insects and vermin from the drains. “
Hoogendoorn BV
– Sanitary Installation Company
We are looking for exclusive distributors within Europe
For more information – please contact
+45 5353 9595